If you have just subscribed, but this is not reflected within the software, then it may be that you need to refresh your subscription from within GameMaker.
Please note that if GameMaker was already running when you subscribed, then you will always need to log out and restart GameMaker so it can refresh your subscription automatically on your next log in. Usually, this will be all you need to do:
First of all, confirm your computer is connected to the internet okay and then continue with this guide to reset your subscription information.
Inside GameMaker's profile menu in the top right corner click Update License. If your licence 'updates' successfully but no change is reflected in the targets menu to the right, try signing out and back into GameMaker.
This will ask you to confirm you wish to log your current user out. GameMaker will then restart itself and prompt you to log in once more.
Note that we showed Windows in the screenshot above, but all versions of GameMaker are the same.
You should now find that your subscription has been "fixed" - if it has not, then please confirm you've followed our Internet permissions guide, as there may be a firewall or other permissions issue blocking the updated files from being saved on your machine.
If you're confident that the guide has been followed properly, then delete the following 3 files and restart GameMaker:
- %AppData%\GameMakerStudio2\um.json
- %AppData%\GameMakerStudio2\YOUR GMS2 USER\license.plist
- %ProgramData%\GameMakerStudio2\ui.log
- ~/.config/GameMakerStudio2/um.json
- ~/.config/GameMakerStudio2/[YOUR GMS2 USERNAME]/license.plist
- /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2/ui.log
When GameMaker restarts check what's available in your targets menu. If they're still not showing, please open a support ticket and provide us with your updated ui.log from %ProgramData%\GameMakerStudio2\ or /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2/ui.log so we can review it.