This article explains how to get started as a publisher on the GameMaker: Marketplace, explaining how to set up your account and add payment options, etc. As you'll see, creating your account will only take a few minutes and will require you to do the following:
- Create a GameMaker Account
- Register for a Marketplace Publisher Account
- Add a PayPal account if you’re going to sell assets, as this is how we’ll pay you (if your assets are all going to be free, then this is not required)
- Explore the Marketplace Developer Console and learn about the publishing process.
Each of these steps is given in more detail below.
Registering As A Publisher
Before you can use the GameMaker: Marketplace to buy assets, you must have made a GameMaker Account.
If you wish to sell asset packages you will also need to have registered for a Marketplace Publisher account.
The steps you need to follow to register as a publisher are as follows:
- First, create a GameMaker Account account here, by following our Help Article Creating a GameMaker Account
- Go to our Marketplace and log into the Account by selecting Login from the Profile Icon
in the Top Right of the Window
- Open the Profile Icon again and select 'Register' under the Publisher Heading
- On the Publisher Registration page, click the Click here to create a new publisher button and then enter some basic information about your Publisher Identity, like your publisher name, email, and types of asset that you are planning on uploading.
- You must read and accept the Marketplace Publisher Agreement before you can finalise your publisher account registration. When you do, your submission will be complete.

Account Details
Once you submit the registration you will be taken to your Publisher Account, where you can see the details already given and edit them, as well as upload an avatar:
You should now go to the Payment Details section and fill out the form there:
Please note that:
- Currently, the Marketplace offers payment through PayPal, so when creating a publisher account you will be required to give a valid email for a PayPal account, otherwise you cannot be paid.
- For users from the UK/EU, a valid VAT number should be set if this applies to your organisation (for users outside of the UK, you should precede your VAT number with the two-digit country code for your country).
If you are planning on only uploading free assets to the Marketplace, then you can ignore the PayPal and VAT fields.
Click the Submit button and you're almost ready to start uploading assets to the Marketplace.
The Publisher Console
Once your registration has been completed, you can then use the rest of the options from the Publisher Console. This is the "home" of all your asset publishing operations, and you can see a menu of items along the left of the page. Each one will show you different details about your publishing activities:
- Assets - This page gives you a quick overview of your assets (sprites, audio, projects, etc.), and lets you view and edit their details, review your sales, download statistics, and also publish a new version of your asset. You can also add new assets that you have created for publishing.
- Services - Here you can see the services that you offer to other Marketplace users, as well as edit their details and update or add new ones. Please note that when you access this page you may be asked to accept Service Provider Terms & Conditions. For more information on Services, see the article: Marketplace - Services
- Account Details - Update your Publisher’s public profile on the store and add payment details through Account Details (see above for further information on setting up a payment account).
- User Access - If you are working within a team you can add multiple users to your Publisher Account and set which parts of the Publisher Console they can access. The account that registers the Publisher account is the owner, with full access to all parts of the Developer Console. The owner can then add user accounts and manage which parts of the Developer Console they have access to. Simply give the email address of the person you wish to add, then check the parts of the publisher identity that you require them to have access to.

- Analytics - The developer console gives you access to daily sales and download reports and graphs allowing you to track the performance of your assets. You can filter your reports by several dimensions including Paid or Free, Category, Country and Date.
- Purchases - Here you can see a list of all the purchases that have been made of your assets (free purchases will be shown but with a price of $0.00)
- Author Terms - Here are the current Author Terms and Conditions for publishing to the Marketplace. You must accept these before you can publish anything, even free assets.
Note that once you have set up and verified one publisher account, you can then go back to your YoYo Account dashboard and create further accounts if required. In this way, you could create two separate accounts with one selling art assets and the other selling code assets (for example).
Further Information
Having set up your account you will then want to create and submit assets to the store. To aid you in this process, we recommend that you read the following articles as they cover all the necessary details: