The GameMaker Account is a one-stop solution to all GameMaker requirements. Once you have made your account, you can use it to log in to GameMaker and GameMaker: Marketplace.
Registering for a GameMaker Account
To create an account simply go to
Here you will be prompted to Register for a new Opera account / Sign In to an existing one or follow the Legacy sign in flow.
To start the registration process click the Register button, on the left of this page.
This will take you to the Opera Sign In page
From here, you will click on Create Account to create your Opera account (unless you already have an Opera Account that you wish to use)
You will then be asked to enter an email address to be associated with your Opera Account and set a password. Please note: your password must be between 8 and 255 characters.
Please then read the Opera Terms of Service and Privacy Statement as by creating an account, you will be accepting these.
Clicking the Create Account button on this screen will then return you to our Website and you will be sent an activation email (from Opera) to the email address you have signed up for the Account with.
Please read through the email and follow the instructions where you will be asked to click (or copy and paste into your address bar) the activation link associated with your account.
Activating your GameMaker Account
After clicking the activation link in your activation email you will be taken to a page similar to the one shown below, confirming that the email used for your Opera Account has been verified
With your Opera Account email verified, you will now be able to sign in to your GameMaker Account on the Login Page by selecting Register/Sign In.
Enter the Account Information for the Opera Account you created earlier.
You will then be shown the YoYo Games User Agreement which you should read and press Accept at the end of the document in order to proceed.
You will then be shown a screen to optionally download the software, but if you wish, you can skip this page.
If you later wish to download, you can go to our Downloads page.
Next Steps
Congratulations on creating your GameMaker Account. After the first time you have completed your profile you will be shown a screen similar to the one below:
Now that you have your GameMaker Account, you are free to Download the software then Sign in with the Login details you created earlier in this article, Link your Steam Account to use any GameMaker products you have on Steam, Redeem a Gift Code or change from our Free Subscription to a paid Subscription.
Once you have downloaded and installed GameMaker you will now be able to log in with your GameMaker Account to access the software, where any GameMaker permanent licences linked to your GameMaker Account will be recognised.
If you wish to publish assets or services for GameMaker then you will need to also create a linked Publisher Account. This is explained in the following article:
If at any point in the registration process you run into any issues, please contact our Helpdesk via our Contact Us page.