For all things Enterprise we've got a private Discord server. Access is made available to those with both a GameMaker account with GameMaker Enterprise and a Discord account. Ensure you have both before proceeding.
To begin, log in at and scroll to the bottom of the account dashboard. Here you'll see the 'Link Discord' card. Click the 'Link' button.
Next you'll be requested to Authorize HAL 9000 - the bot that manages the connection between the GameMaker accounts and Discord. Click 'Authorize' to proceed.
You'll be returned to your Account Dashboard as though you'd just logged in again. This is expected.
Observe that the 'Link Discord' card now has 2 buttons. 'Join/Sync' and 'Unlink'. Unlink does exactly that and breaks the link between the Discord account and the GameMaker account. The Join/Sync button has a couple of uses. The first time (and any time you are authorized by a new vendor to export to an additional console platform) you'll need to click this to make the relevant channel available to you. For instance, if you're already an Xbox developer and you sync your account, it'll show you the correct channel. If you're then verified by Nintendo but do not sync the account, you'll not be able to see or interact with that channel in the Discord server.
When you do sync the account you'll be presented with the following request from Discord. Accept to enter.
Once in, you'll be presented with the 'Welcome to GameMaker Enterprise' message and can begin interacting with other devs in the server.
Please do bear in mind this is not a place to report bugs with the software, this should be done via the built-in bug reporter tool. For everything else, please contact the helpdesk.