We are aware of some issues that publishers are experiencing when trying to upload their Marketplace assets through the GameMaker IDE where the assets are getting "stuck" in a Processing state.
As a workaround, we have implemented a way for publishers to upload via the website while we investigate the issues being caused when uploading from the IDE.
Before You Begin
Firstly, make sure you are logged into the YoYo Account associated with your Marketplace Publisher account by logging in at: https://gamemaker.io/account
Then ensure that you have created an asset listing for your asset. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the "List Your Asset" section of our Marketplace - Creating And Uploading An Asset Package guide.
Please do take note of the rules around naming your assets in the "reverse URL" format of com.yourpublishername.yourassetname as not following this when creating your asset can be the source of some upload failures.
Once you have an asset listed, you're ready to continue.
Generating the package to upload
When you select the Update Existing Package option from the Marketplace menu in the IDE you will be taken to the following workspace:
Here you must first select the Publisher identity that you want to publish the asset package as (which you should have set up from your Publisher Dashboard), then select the asset you listed on the store earlier.
This will cause the IDE to fill in the Package ID and also add in the current release's version number (if you have made one already). Remember to update this to be your chosen new version number, as you cannot upload two packages which have the same version number.
Once you have done that you can then choose which resources from the project you want to add into the Asset Package using the section on the right. You can add all your resources, or only some of them as well as remove any that you may have added by mistake. It is assumed that you have created the asset to be uploaded previously in GameMaker and that the current project contains all that you require to upload.
When you are happy with the selection of assets and want to upload your package to the Marketplace, simply click the OK button at the bottom, and the asset package will be created.
NOTE: The above steps are the same steps you would normally take to update a Marketplace package and hopefully all worked for you this time and you don't need to carry on with this FAQ. However, if your upload failed, from this stage forward is where the workaround comes in.
If Your Upload Failed
When your asset has been packaged it may have opened a "Marketplace" tab in the IDE (IDE 2.2.5 or older) and also may be showing an error dialog saying that the upload failed. However, if the upload has failed, please just close the Marketplace page and the error dialog and instead pay attention to the Output window.
In the Output window, you should see written near the bottom of your log where GameMaker saved out your upload file. It will look something like the following two examples.
On Windows:
Created package file:
On macOS:
Created package file:
Please navigate to the folder on your machine named in your Output Window now, as this contains the .yymp file you need to upload to the website in order to workaround any IDE issues. You can move the .yymp to a more easily-located place just now if you wish.
Uploading The Package Via The Website
Navigate to your Marketplace Publisher account panel in your browser and find the Versions page for your asset.
Then click the Upload Version button (as highlighted in the screenshot above).
You will then be shown the New Version page:
Click the "Choose file" button, then find and select the .yymp file you created earlier to begin uploading your asset in your browser.
Once the progress bar has completed without any issues being reported, complete the rest of the form as you would normally, setting the same version number that you used in the IDE when creating this package.
When you're happy, click Save. This will then start the new version being processed by the website.
After The Upload
Creating a package and uploading the .yymp file following the method above will ensure you include everything required. There will be a short delay where the asset shows a "Processing" state, however the version should then either succeed and be ready to publish or the website will provide a reason for rejection. Please take note of that reason and respond to it accordingly.
However, if after following the above workaround, uploading still always results in your asset being stuck in a Processing state, please contact our helpdesk via the following link: https://accounts.yoyogames.com/contact-us#marketplace
We are working hard on fixing the upload process through the IDE and recent fixes to the Marketplace has made uploads much more robust, but also so that as of the 2.3.0 release of GameMaker this workaround should not be needed at all.
If your upload is successful and there is no issue with the actual Marketplace Listing (if anything is missing like keywords or images, then you will be informed by a message at the top of the asset listing), you can then go ahead and click the "Publish" button:
Congratulations! your asset is now available on the Marketplace!