Due to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), any EU citizen can request that the information we hold on them be deleted.
More information on GDPR can be found Here.
All users, regardless of where they live, will have their request to delete their account handled in the same way and information on how to request this can be found below.
Our Privacy Policy will provide information on the data we hold on you and how it is used.
You can contact data controller directly to request that your information is deleted by sending an email to datacontroller@yoyogames.com
Alternatively, if you want to speak to us prior to deleting your account, you can do so by creating a Support Ticket Here and selecting the Issue Type 'Report a Website Issue'.
Our support team will then pass your message to our Data Controller who will then manage the deletion of your YoYo Games Account as well the non-financial data that we hold about you.