If you ever find that your freshly-built macOS games do not actually appear at the end of a "successful" run, then this can be a sign that your macOS user is not actually allowed to launch the game executable for some reason.
Look up through your entire compiler log inside GameMaker and see if you have any lines talking about LSOpenURLsWithRole() errors. E.g:
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for the application /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes/runtime- Runner.app with error -10386.
If you do, then this is a general macOS permissions issue rather than any GameMaker bug.
You will need to ensure that your macOS user can execute that application and that this application is not being restricted by any Antivirus - please see our main FAQ for the permissions GameMaker needs.
Once your permissions are fixed, clean your project cache and then build again. All should be fixed now.
However, if you have any further issues with your system permissions stopping you from using GameMaker in any way, please see that same FAQ we link to a few lines up.